Innovations High School Enrollment Criteria for the School Year
If you would like information about enrollment and orientation, please submit this enrollment form. Students interested in enrolling at Innovations High School should complete the ONLINE APPLICATION and visit the school to submit documents and complete a paper application. When submitting the online application, students must choose Innovations as their 1st choice school.
Students will be scheduled for an orientation session. During orientation, students will write an entrance essay, take the STAR assessment, and view the orientation video.
All students enrolling at Innovations must meet the following criteria:
​Must have enough credits to graduate before the age of 21.
Students must live in the city of Chicago.
Students must possess a desire to buy into our school's mission and vision.
Students must submit the following:
All other documents listed on the Student Admission Checklist.
If you have any questions about enrollment, email us at
Lottery Process
Once IHS reaches student capacity, all remaining applicants that meet the enrollment criteria shall be placed on the IHS lottery list. All waiting/lottery list and applicant referrals are forwarded to the Youth Connection Charter School's office on the 20th day of each month via lottery referral transmittal form. IHS conducts lotteries as needed to fill available seats when students withdraw or graduate. All lotteries are witnessed by an independent third party.
NEW Student Survey
Please complete the Innovations High School Student Orientation Survey and the IHS Parent Survey

Health Examinations
Innovations High School complies with all applicable Health and Safety laws of the State of Illinois, city of Chicago and the Federal Government.
All students must present proof of immunity against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles, mumps, and rubella upon acceptance and entrance into Innovations High School (as required by the Illinois School Code). Please call the main office at
312-999-9360 for further information.