The following attendance procedure will help you to understand what the school expects in terms of attendance for every student and the consequences of truancy, unexcused absences, and excessive tardiness:
The attendance goal for students at IHS is 80% and above. Therefore, students should not be absent more than four days in a twenty - (20) day school month. Students missing more than 4 days per month will face a decreased likelihood of success at Innovations.
As soon as it becomes evident that a student will not be able to attend school, the student (if 18 or older) or an adult listed as authorized emergency contact must call the office manager and state the cause of the absence. Upon returning to school, the student must present written verification of the cause of absence (i.e. note signed by parent, doctor, caseworker, probation officer, etc.). If there is no written documentation for the cause of absence, the absence will be deemed unexcused.
The Recruitment and Retention Specialist and/or an IHS administrator will meet with the students and their parents to discuss and seek resolution for chronic absenteeism.
Students are considered tardy for 1st period classes after 8:00 a.m. on all school days. Students who are late because of an appointment with a doctor, caseworker, court date, etc. must call in advance to inform office staff of the tardy and bring in written documentation to that effect.