The College, Career & Alumni Department of Innovations High School is committed to exposing students to a variety of educational and career options in preparation for success after high school. Visits to area colleges, universities and vocational training centers are scheduled throughout the school year. Students are encouraged to maintain their good academic standing with their teachers in order to take advantage of campus visits and college fairs. In addition, college representatives are regularly invited to make presentations to Innovations High School students on our monthly Ubuntu Assembly days and during lunchroom presentations.
Contact Ms. Oliver for information regarding upcoming activities at 312-999-9360 x104.

We set our standards high by exposing our students to a variety experiences here and abroad. Our goal is to visit different countries around the world yearly. Students are encouraged to maintain their good academic standing with their teachers in order to take advantage of the World Scholars Cultural Field Trip.
Contact Ms. Oliver for information regarding upcoming activities at 312-999-9360 x104.
The College, Career & Alumni Department of Innovations High School is committed to exposing students to a variety of educational and career options in preparation for success after high school. Visits to area colleges, universities and vocational training centers are scheduled throughout the school year. Students are encouraged to maintain their good academic standing with their teachers in order to take advantage of campus visits and college fairs. In addition, college representatives are regularly invited to make presentations to Innovations High School students on our monthly Ubuntu Assembly days and during lunchroom presentations.
Contact Ms. Oliver for information regarding upcoming activities at 312-999-9360 x104.